On 11/29/2010 07:05 AM, brian m. carlson wrote:
> Package: libxerces2-java
> Version: 2.9.1-4.1
> Severity: normal
> Xerces supports XInclude with the "element" XPointer, which refers to
> an ID.  However, while this works fine with ID attributes that are
> defined in a DTD, it does not work if the IDs are declared using xml:id.
> This makes the "element" syntax useless for including documents that do
> not contain a DOCTYPE declaration, which includes many useful XML
> formats (e.g. XHTML5).
> It would be nice if Xerces would support this.

Hi Brian,

Can you confirm that your issue is the same one reported upstream here:


It looks similar; unfortunately upstream has passed on this for 4 years now...

Thank you,

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