reassign 603161 libxt
retitle 603161 Some program windows clip faulty in Squeeze (with fvvmw)

On 11/12/10 10:14, Markus Porto wrote:
> I do not know what happend, but I cannot reproduce the problem with gimp
> anymore. Probably I stared too long on my screen searching for lines...
> But I can reproduce the problem with nedit, xpaint, xfig, xmgrace, and xpdf,
> So, I think that libXt is again the most likely candicate. The maintainer
> of the package libxt6 is, however, also Should
> I drop an email to them?

I reassigned this bug to libXt so they can have a look at it (and if
needed assign the proper package?) They should get this mail automatically.


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