On Friday, 3. September 2010 19:14:17 Ivan Borzenkov wrote:
> Package: nvidia-kernel-dkms
> Version: 195.36.31-3

> --- System information. ---
> Architecture: i386
> Kernel:       Linux 2.6.35

> --- Output from package bug script ---
> uname -a:
> Linux ivan1986 2.6.35 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 13:11:37 MSD 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Do you have the correct kernel headers available for your kernel? Does dkms 
find them?
Can you try the official 2.6.32 kernel image+headers from sid/squeeze?

> Debian Release: squeeze/sid
>   500 unstable        http.us.debian.org
>   500 testing         http.us.debian.org
>   500 testing         dl.google.com
>   500 stable          dl.google.com
>   500 stable          deb.opera.com
>   500 lucid           ppa.launchpad.net
>   500 lenny-kees      debian.keesmeijs.nl
>     1 experimental    http.us.debian.org

There is at least one Ubuntu repository in this list. A mixed installation of 
Debian and Ubuntu is not supported and recommended as it may create 
unexpected behavior.

> --- Package information. ---
> Depends                              (Version) | Installed
> ==============================================-+-================
> debhelper                           (>> 4.0.0) | 8.0.0
> make                                           | 3.81-8
> sed                                   (>> 3.0) | 4.2.1-7
> dpatch                              (>= 2.0.0) | 2.0.31

This list of depends does not look like it was generated from a current 
version of the package as these have been updated/dropped some time ago.


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