reassign 597654 postgresql-common 109
tag 597654 confirmed

Hello Adam,

Adam Heath [2010-09-21 15:40 -0500]:
> I just upgraded postgres-8.4 from 8.4.4-1+b1 to 8.4.4-2.  This
> removed the separate postgresql-8.4 init script, and replaced it
> with a common one.  Previously, postgresql-8.4 would start at S19.

Ah, sorry about that. I'll move the common one back to 19 then.

> I have postgresql listed as Should-Start in ofbiz's initscript.
> However, init dependencies are not active, so normal number based
> ordering is used.

I. e. you removed insserv? I thought that was the (pretty much
mandatory) default in Squeeze now.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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