tags 595747 + wontfix


Thanks for your report.

On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 01:55:54PM +0200, Mike Massonnet wrote:
package: libgio-cil
version: 2.22.2-2

I asked me the question "cli tools for gio... mmmh" when I noticed it
was .NET or Mono bindings. This should be make clear inside the short

The description is fine and clear. It's providing bindings to the GIO
stack. If you're using the library then you know what the acronyms CLI
and GIO mean. Sorry, but I'm not going to change it.

Plus, the package name is libgio-CIL? what is the meaning behind CIL?
is it a typo and should it be CLI?

CIL means Common Intermediate Language, Mono/.NET's bytecode
format. It's correct.


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