On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Andrew Pollock wrote:
> I would have thought that you could avoid having to load a separate
> URL to view all the headers of correspondence.
Just append a &trim=no to the bug url; it's basically useless which is
why it's not shown by default any more. [If there are specific headers
that you find useful, let me know about them and I'll consider adding

> Couldn't you just assign a different style to all the headers you
> want to default to not showing, and then toggle the visibility for
> that style when you click on the link to show all the headers? That
> way you wouldn't have to wait for a new page to load, and you could
> just toggle headers at will. Requires javascript of course.

The main reason why I didn't consider that for starters is that I
don't always use a browser that supports javascript, and showing the
headers is sufficiently annoying that I almost never want to see them
(unless I'm debugging the bts).

Don Armstrong

This can't be happening to me. I've got tenure.
 -- James Hynes _Publish and Perish_

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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