Hi slav0nic,

On 28/08/10 12:48, slav0nic wrote:
> got today "abort: authorization failed" with 1.6.2-2 :|

Can you confirm that it is the same bug? That is,
"python2.5 /usr/bin/hg pull" works, but "python2.6 /usr/bin/hg pull"
returns authorization failed? I'm unable to reproduce the bug with 1.6.2-2

Javi (Vicho)

> 2010/8/28 Javi Merino <cibervi...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Romain,
>> On 26/08/10 14:06, Romain Lerallut wrote:
>>> It seems that the patches in debian/patches are not applied when building
>> the
>>> package. Anyway, the url.py file is not patched and the problem persists.
>> Can you please confirm that it is now fixed in 1.6.2-2?
>> Thanks,
>> Javi (Vicho)

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