On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 03:44:48PM +0100, Tim Phipps wrote:
> I'd like to be able to limit the damage done by a runaway DVD rip by setting
> the fsize ulimit to ~ 10GB. That should allow normal DVDs to fit.
> Editing /etc/security/limits.cong to include:

> * hard fsize 4194303

> works but limits files to 4GB which is not enough. Increasing the limit by 1
> removes the limit probably since it uses a 32bit type to talk to the kernel.

I can confirm that pam_limits is not building with the correct LFS flags,
and therefore uses 32-bit integers, and I've committed a fix for this. 
However, even after fixing pam_limits, the fsize limit is still not being
set correctly for me, due to a bug either in eglibc or in the kernel.  This
is substantiated by the fact that I also can't set such a limit using the
'ulimit' command in bash.  If you still see this problem after upgrading to
pam 1.1.1-5, I suggest filing a bug on eglibc as well.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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