Package: libgphoto2-2
Version: 2.4.6-1

This report was originally filled at:


The debian/copyright file is formatted (per draft Dep5) but has errors
respecting the current version of the spec.
It is marked invalid by my copyright parser and therefore licenses and
copyrights cannot be reliably extracted.

I'll attach three items:
 * a report of the copyright generated by my copyright parser. I
generated this after fixing the copyright's first line so that it is
recognized as formatted. This shows that many of the errors are in
using free form text in "License: " lines, which is not allowed.
Spaces delimit license assertions. Every asserted license must be
either defined in place, or have a free standing stanza to define it,
or be a well-known short license name per the spec. Because "NONE" is
asserted as a license, I added a "License: NONE" free-standing stanza
whose text indicates that no license is asserted. I also added a
GPL-improper stanza (reluctantly) to handle this case, which needs
review. Also, every "Files: " stanza MUST have a "License: " line (a
required field), even though that seems redundant, but this aids
 * report of the copyright generated after I fixed it.
 * a bzr diff that contains the fixes.

Please review changes for accuracy and apply.


Victor Vargas B.
Latitud:  -33.439177,-70.625267
Santiago, Chile.

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