Hi Torquil,

Thank you for the bug report.  I'm tagging it and other functional
issues as "upstream" to help separate Debian packaging bugs from
functionality bugs/feature requests.
If I can find out the information about getting information to the
upstream, I'll post it here.

Thank you,

On 08/05/2010 12:41 PM, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:
> Package: tuxguitar
> Version: 1.2-5
> Severity: normal
> Sorry if this should have gone directly upstream, I didn't find out how to
> properly submit upstream bug reports on tuxguitar.
> Anyway, there is a piece of Brahms' Violin Concerto that I'm unable to notate
> properly, and I will try to give you an attachment with an example tuxguitar
> file.
> In words:
> The music is in 3/4 time signature. The bar I'm having problems is goes as
> follows:
> The first quarter consists of six 16th notes. All these notes have the number
> "6" under them, since they are played in the duration of one quarter note. 
> This
> is correct.
> The second quarter of the bar is the same as the first. So far so good.
> But: the last quarter of the bar consists of only 5 16th notes, i.e. five of 
> them
> played for the duration of one quarter note. These should all have the number
> "5" underneath, but the last one of them has the number "3" instead.... I'm
> unable to change it to a 5, because nothing happens when I select that note
> and choose 5 from the dropdown menu on the toolbar.
> I have attached a *.tg file containing only this bar to show the problem.
> Thanks,
> Torquil

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