On 07/25/10 11:59, Jivan Amara wrote:
On 07/24/2010 03:28 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:13:32 +0800, Jivan Amara wrote:

Package: x11-common
Version: 1:7.5+6
Severity: important
File: x11

Keyboard focus is disconnected from the active window in a number of
circumstances.  The easiest way to recreate the problem is by opening
gnome-terminal, opening a second tab then typing exit.  You will not be able
to type into the window in the remaining tab.  Right-clicking, then
left-clicking returns the keyboard focus to the window.

I can't reproduce this (running gnome with metacity).

It doesn't appear to be a desktop issue, as I can recreate it both
in fluxbox
and gnome.  The problem renders eclipse nearly unusable, as the keyboard
focus is taken away from the editor every time an auto-completion or hover
information window is shown (and the same trick needed to return it).

I usually use click-to focus, but I've also tried different focus
models with
the same behavior.

(I'm using focus follows mouse)

I'm sorry if this isn't the right package to file this against, but it's
the only common factor that I can see in a problem which spans desktops and

I'm afraid focus is entirely under the control of the window manager, so
I suggest you file bugs against the ones you use.

I did some more poking around, and it shows under every window manager I tried, but the issue disappears when I switch my display manager from gdm to kdm. I'll file the report against gdm.

Thanks for your time,

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