The reason why setting things up to allow binding to is an
undocumented feature and why I strongly encourage people to not do it
is because I have had reports of occasional buggy behavior caused by binding.

It's a case of a "doing this voids the warranty"; I'm not responsible
for any resulting buggy behavior caused by binding to "".

- Sam

Note: I do not answer MaraDNS (including Deadwood) support requests
sent by private email without being compensated for my time. A MaraDNS
support request is any and all discussion you may wish to have about
MaraDNS in private email; if you want to email me to talk about
MaraDNS then, yes, that is a support request. I will discuss rates if
you want this kind of support. Thank you for your understanding.

MaraDNS security vulnerability reports, however, will be dealt with
without charge and kept confidential. If you don't know what Bugtraq
is, then, no, your email is not a security report. It is not a
security report unless you've done due diligence to determine how the
security bug you think you found can reasonably be exploited.

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