> As said, the only possible explanation I have, is that you upgraded the
> packages, suspended your laptop (then, NM is disabled by
> /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/55NetworkManager), your resume failed and you had to
> reboot.

This is exactly what happened to me.  As this is the first time that
I've ever had a suspend failure on this laptop (suspend light was on,
but CPU and LCD were still on, so the laptop was roasting when I got it
out of my bag) I'm suspecting that NM was responsible for the suspend
failure too.   Anyway, that isn't the point.

Please make the deps tighter so that the client and the daemon can
always talk.  This time it's "just" the global on/off, but in the future
who knows what will change.

Ross Burton                                 mail: r...@burtonini.com
                                          jabber: r...@burtonini.com
                                           www: http://burtonini.com

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