On Monday, July 05, 2010 02:02:39 pm Clint Adams wrote:

> Why do you find this to be in any way a reasonable attitude to hold?

If people had asked to have me fired from a job I was doing (in Debian or 
elsewhere), you can be certain that sitting down and having a nice chat with 
them would be very low on my priority list.  I would focus my attention on 
people who were trying to work with me.  I believe that's human nature and it 
would be odd to expect anything else.

It would be different if I thought it was a situation where any compromise was 
possible.  I don't think it is in this case.  I may be wrong, but I don't see 
the requesters of this action being satisfied with any result where doko 
remains involved as a maintainer in Debian Python.

Scott K

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