tags 588157 unreproducible

Ciao Norbert, 

On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 01:15:08 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:

> I have a lot of photos from a trip, and collected those I wanted to show 
> in a special catalog by adding first all photos from the trip, and then
> removing those I want from the catalog.
> But I was surprised to see that all the photos have been actually moved
> to the trash instead of only removing them from the catalog.
> That is a very very bad behaviour, and I'm not sure if it was always
> like that, ie before the big (and IMHO painful and stupid) rewrite of
> gthumb.

I can't reproduce this.

This is what I am doing:

  1) create a new catalog
  2) browse to a folder with some photos
  3) right-click on a couple of them → Add to Catalog
  4) go to the catalog, right-click, remove from catalog

The originals are still there.

Are you able to reproduce this?


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