A solution to this can be found at
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2898723&group_id=131204&atid=720419 <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2898723&group_id=131204&atid=720419>

In 2.6-6 a patch was introduced to create the sync-timestamp file, if it doesn't exist. It simply changes a file open for write operation to a file open for append. That takes care of creating a nonexistent file, but has the side effect, that subsequent sync requests _append_ a timestamp to the file. So, this number grows larger and larger with each sync und eventually Python cannot parse the number als long anymore.

To undo the patch, you have to edit /usr/share/denyhosts/DenyHosts/sync.py, line 56:
            fp = open(os.path.join(self.__work_dir,
                                   SYNC_TIMESTAMP), "a")
Change "a" to "w" to overwrite the existing timestamp when syncing.

After that, you have to repair the damaged sync-timestamp file:
    # echo 1278324614 > /var/lib/denyhosts/sync-timestamp
(writes actual timestamp (as of this post ;)) to the timestamp file)

As a concluding step, the package maintainer should undo patch 10_create_timestamp.patch and find another way to create the file (perhaps in the init file when starting the daemon).

Perhaps this should be reported upstream, as some bugreports for this are reported there (refer to the URL above).

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