
* Loïc Minier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  Attached is a patch changing your build-dep.  It doesn't make the
>  gabber2 package more or less buildable than it is right now (given the
>  state of the C++ transition).
>  I suppose you'll need to version the added build-dependencies once the
>  C++ transition is over for the packages:
>  libgtkmm-2.4-dev libgconfmm-2.6-dev libglademm-2.4-dev
>  I would appreciate if you could confirm it is ok for you to switch to
>  the newer build-deps so that we can prepare the removal of the older
>  C++ bindings.
Thank you for the patch. I was already planning the move to the newer
C++ bindings. I was just waiting to have packages of the newer
bindings built with the new C++ ABI available to try building with
them and testing the packages for upload.

So, yes it's OK for me changing to the newer C++ bindings.

Thank you,

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