On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 14:54:45 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Given that, while I'm very sympathetic to Santiago's argument, I also
> think that we should be able to represent in packages their upstream
> licensing statement and not be implicitly relicensing them under later
> versions of the GPL, 

Ack, pointing to the -GPL symlink (and relying (and therefore
relicensing) on the "or later" aspect) doesn't feel right to me; and
it also involves coming up with lintian patches every now and then
when the wording for "same as Perl" changes.

> I therefore propose adding GPL version 1 to the list of licenses said by
> Policy to be in common-licenses and asking Santiago to include a copy in
> base-files.  I'm not including a diff since it would just create merge
> conflicts with the BSD diff proposed earlier today and because it's fairly
> obvious, although I can if people would prefer.
> Objections or seconds?

> Copying debian-perl on this message since that's the set of developers who
> are most affected by this.


(Although that means some changes on our part, in dh-make-perl and in
most of our packages :))

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