Package: gpart
Version: 0.1h-4
Severity: important
Tags: patch

For crying out loud, support for reiserfs 3.6 has been ready for
two and a half years already; the bug was first reported 15 months
ago. Considering how many modern installations of reiserfs there
are, this package is useless in a significant percentage of
situations now. Could you please apply this patch?

I've tested it, it saved me a lot of trouble.

Álvaro Martínez Echevarría

``Pero yo que he sentido una vez en mis manos temblar
la alegría / ya no podré morir nunca. / Pero yo que he
tocado una vez las agudas agujas del pino / ya no podré
morir nunca''. [José Hierro, "El muerto"]

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