
I didn't really understand your output of icedove. Did you run it with
gdb or in the normal way? You catch the output form your console?

So, we have 2 different ways to debug your problem:

== 1 (run _clean_ icedove) ==

1.) run icedove in safe-mode (all extensions will be disabled)

  $ icedove -safe-mode

2.) run icedove without plugins


3.) move your icedove profile (.icedove) away and try again.

== 2 (debug with gdb) ==

1.) install icedove-gdb package
2.) run icedove from debugger (gdb)

  $ icedove -g  2>&1 | tee /tmp/icedove-gdb.log
  (gdb) run

  <<once it crashes>

  (gdb) bt
  (gdb) bt full
  (gdb) thread apply all bt full
  (gdb) quit

3.) in addition, please attach the /tmp/icedove-strace.log of

  $ strace -o/tmp/icedove-strace.log -f icedove

4.) compress both files (e.g. bzip2 file) and attach to your email

Could you first run section 1, if icedove still crash, run section 2.


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