Hi Jonas,

On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 05:14:12PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> retitle 465821 ITP: x2go -- x2go serverbased computing environment
> thanks
> As discussed with Heinz at several meetings in Germany, I intend to
> package this.

That's very good to hear!

> My packaging tasks are already many, so help is much appreciated!
> I intend to use CDBS and Git at the collab-maint area of Alioth - do
> get in touch with me if interested in helping out!

I'm not a fan of CDBS and with the features of debhelper 7 I never saw a
reason to use it again. As a consequence my experience with CDBS is
almost NULL. If you changed your mind and packaged it without CDBS, I
could see myself helping a bit (don't make this decision only depend on
me, though).


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