tags 572102 + upstream
forwarded 572102  https://bugs.launchpad.net/duplicity/+bug/531178

On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 14:39:13 +0100, Olivier Berger writes:
>So the version with which I tried to restore was 0.6.06 (testing) although 
>the version used to create the backup was 0.4.11.
>This explains the restoration problem I think.

i fear so - but i've found nothing in the changelogs or docs that 
says anything about incompatibilities across versions. 

personally i've had no problems moving backups over from 0.4 to 0.5 
and on to 0.6, but that was always done by adding volumes first.

i've forwarded your report upstream, we'll see what they say.


+ Alexander Zangerl + DSA 42BD645D + (RSA 5B586291)

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