Dear dpkg maintainers,

clone 571334 -1
retitle -1 please clarify return values of dpkg-query
severity -1 normal

On So, 28 Feb 2010, Stuart Prescott wrote:
> The current uninstallability of tex-common causes the "plastex" package to 
> ftbfs. This is clearly not a bug in plastex so reassigning to tex-common. 

Could you please clarify in the man page or somewhere else the return
values of dpkg-query.

It was recommended to use dpkg-querey instead of grepping the package
database (lintian warning or error), but dpkg-query just returns 1
when it does not find the given package on the command line. In this
example I used:
        stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base)
and I expected it NOT to return 1 but something else.


For Stuart:
> It's still a ftbfs-issue so probably still serious but I have precisely zero 
> interest in arguing about severity levels.

Will be fixed in a minute and I will upload a new tex-common. I will
just ignore any return value from dpkg-query as it is black magic to
know what it will return.

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            prein...@{,,}
JAIST, Japan            TU Wien, Austria           Debian TeX Task Force
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