package file-roller
tags 563880 + unreproducible moreinfo

On 06-Jan-2010, Claudio Giordano wrote:
> when you rename a file inside the archive, the renamed file is lost

I am unable to reproduce this with the reported version 2.82.2-1. Here
is the test case I tried:

Script started on Sun 28 Feb 2010 11:41:56 EST
$ tardir=$(mktemp -t -d)
$ echo "Lorem ipsum" > ${tardir}/foo
$ echo "dolor sit amet" > ${tardir}/bar
$ tarfile=test.tar.gz
$ tar -czf ${tarfile} -C ${tardir}/ .

$ tar -tzf ${tarfile}

$ file-roller ${tarfile}
[… use the GUI to rename entry ‘bar’ to ‘baz’ …]

$ tar -xzvf ${tarfile}

$ cmp foo ${tardir}/foo
$ cmp baz ${tardir}/bar

$ exit

Script done on Sun 28 Feb 2010 11:47:22 EST

Can you please provide a minimal, complete sequence of steps that
reproduces the behaviour you're reporting?

 \         “Alternative explanations are always welcome in science, if |
  `\   they are better and explain more. Alternative explanations that |
_o__) explain nothing are not welcome.” —Victor J. Stenger, 2001-11-05 |
Ben Finney <>

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