On 2/19/10 8:33 AM| Feb 19, 2010, Malcolm Locke wrote:
I think probably most users have abandoned this package and are now
using gem install to get Rails, however it would still be nice to get
this up to date.
A gem installed Rails 2.3.5 works for me on Lenny with backported
rubygems, so I suspect it will work in Squeeze too.
Are there any particular blockers on 2.3.x? If so could you at least
let us know? I would be willing to provide a first cut package if it is
just lack of time holding this back.
Consider this another vote for Rails 2.3.x.
I am trying to conform to the Debian way when building my Ruby/Rails
applications however, it is getting very frustrating to have to continue
to use very old versions. I would like to move my projects to 2.3.x but
don't want to give up .deb package management.
BTW: I am trying to move to Ruby 1.9.1 but can't get the Debian
Rails/RubyGems packages to cooperate at all. Is there any chance we
could get a Ruby1.9.1 version of the Rails package any time soon?
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