>>>>> Damien Raude-Morvan <draz...@drazzib.com> writes:


    >>  Could you  please add  a  webmvc-struts package  (under ASL  2.0
    >> license)? I have attached to this email a patch which add the jar
    >> in its own package. I'm currently using it without any problem.

    > Thanks  for your contribution !  I'll merge it to  SVN.  [And I'll
    > check this into my local spring 3.0 work]

Thanks! BTW, when  do you plan to upload spring  3.0? Thanks for working
on the package.

    >> Also,  I'm wondering why  webmvc-portlet is not included  as well
    >>  (just  curious...).   According  to  debian/README.Debian,  it's
    >>  because  it's  non-free,  but  according to  the  source  files,
    >> everything  is licensed  under the ASL  2.0, is there  any reason
    >> which makes it non-free?

    > You're right : Spring webmvc-portlet source code is licenced under
    > ASL 2.0 (like all Spring source code).

    > There is two issues here :

    > -  Portlet 2.0 API (javax.portlet.*)  is not packaged  as a Debian
    > package

    > - AFAIK, this API is not licenced under a DFSG-free licence :

    > * http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr286/index.html
    > * it's just "open source" (copy and display right grant) but no
    > modification right
    > * so we can only provide it under non-free

Oh ok,  so maybe it  could go to  contrib when `javax.portlet*'  will be
uploaded to non-free,  if it does. But I now understand  why it can't be
packaged, thanks for the explanation ;).


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