Hey Andrew, any progress on this?

>>  it was written specifically with Android devices in mind.
> There are many HOTP client out there[1]. Is it really android specific
> in any way?  I suggest dropping that sentence.

The piece that would be put in Debian is not Android specific, but there
is a companion application that goes along with barada that is for

Also, you say that there are many HOTP clients out there, but I have not
found any easy ones such as this one for Debian. Also your URL you cite
is a 404:

> [1] http://rcdevs.com/products/openotp/tokens.php

> There is companion software which runs on Android, so that your
                                            ^^^^^^ ${your phone}

Is that true? Maybe this libpam-barada works for other HOTP clients,
with different client software on other phones, but this is the text
From the upstream and unless someone is able to determine that it works
on non-android phones, it seems a little too soon to generalize it.

> I suppose this new RFC is more secure than plain old OTP/OPIE (?). In
> any case, the package could include those 2 keyword for `aptitude
> search`

I think the existence of OTP in HTOP will cause aptitude to find
it. OPIE is just another OTP implementation, just like HOTP is, so I'm
not sure if it needs to be listed, but I wouldn't care if someone did.


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