reassign 568784 network-manager
retitle 568784 ifupdown: autoconnect is not set for devices with allow-hotplug
Tixy wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 02:54 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote: 
>> Tixy wrote:
>>> And my wired network is listed in /etc/network/interfaces as:
>>>     allow-hotplug eth0
>> Does it help if you change this line to
>>      auto eth0
>> and restart network-manager?
> Yes, it helps, it restores the behaviour of NM automatically
> connecting :-) It has the side effect that my system boot stalls for a
> few seconds whilst it does a DHCP setup, but that's a trivial thing.
> If the new behaviour is an intended consequence of recent NM changes,
> then I would consider my bug report closed; but perhaps the wiki¹ should
> be updated, as allow-hotplug is the default setting for a fresh Debian
> install. (This wiki page is the first hit in Google for the search term
> "Debian Network Manager".)

reassigning and retitling the bug report. Fixed packaged will be uploaded 


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