> > 
> > To reproduce:
> > # chmod 0700 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf
> > # dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold -i \
> >      clamav-freshclam-0.86.2-1_i386.deb
> dpkg does nothandle any of the conffiles in the clamav suite.  These
> options should have no effect.

I know. I just wanted to mention them, to be on the safe (and 
thorough) side.

> > # ls -l /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf
> This is unreproducable here.  I manually added a username and 
> password,
> and then did it via debconf.  Both times, if there was a password
> present, the postinst chmod'ed the file to 0600.  If there was no
> password, the postinst chmod'ed it 0644.

Ok, this is weird: after the dpkg-reconfigure (and answering all of 
the questions so that the configfiles contents should be duplicated)
I'm not getting the problem anymore. Not even with the dpkg -r /dpkg -i
combination - and I struggled with this problem for about an hour this 
morning, so this definitely wasn't caffein-withdrawl induced

Does dpkg-reconfigure clamav-freshclam touch any file besides
/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf ?

> Can I get the (munged) contents of your file? 
If I had made a backup of the conffile before, sure. :|
As it stands now, with me being unable to reproduce the problem either,
I don't think either the configfile or the output of dpkg-reconfigure
will help much at this point. 

I can install a fresh machine with an old version, following our update
path here and see if the problem surfaces again. But this will be after
the weekend.


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