On Monday 01 August 2005 17:48, Gene Schafhauser wrote:
> 1) My only Internet access is via dialup.  I wanted to do a net
> install, but could not connect directly to the Internet with this
> computer.  I had to network to a second computer and use that as a
> gateway.

Did you try installing in expert mode and loading the optional 
ppp-modules? That should give you the option to set up a modem.

> 2) I have a parallel printer, but udev refused to create the lp0 device
> node.

That's not an installer problem I'm afraid. Please follow up on that issue 
on the user lists and/or, if you can confirm the problem, file a bug 
report against udev.

> 3) The Ali M5451 audio controller is using ALSA, but the ALSA support
> packages were not automatically installed.  After experiencing sound
> problems, I finally figured out that these packages were necessary for
> proper operation. 

True. Again not really an installer issue. Maybe we will decide to install 
alsa-base by default if a 2.6 kernel is used and a soundcard is detected 
sometime in the future...

> 4) I used tasksel (desktop environment) for automatic package
> selection.  Both KDE and Gnome were installed.  It might be better to
> allow the user to choose which one(s) to install and not be forced into
> having both.

That is an often heard suggestion. We may have recently convinced the 
author of tasksel that this is in fact a good idea...
(FWIW, I agree with you here.)

Thank you for your installation report and your comments. I'm leaving the 
report open because of the dial-up issue. Could you try that?


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