The better patch.

--- a/src/	2009-10-28 17:09:16.000000000 +0300
+++ b/src/	2009-10-28 21:10:00.000000000 +0300
@@ -2397,28 +2397,42 @@
     ref<YIcon> oldFrameIcon = fFrameIcon;
     if (client()->getNetWMIcon(&count, &elem)) {
-        ref<YImage> icons[4];
-        int sizes[] = { YIcon::smallSize(), YIcon::largeSize(), YIcon::hugeSize() };
-        // find icons that match Small-/Large-/HugeIconSize, icons[3] is
-        // fallback if none matches
-        for (long *e = elem; e - count < elem; e += 2 + e[0] * e[1]) {
-            int i = 0;
-            for (; i < 3; i++)
-                if (e[0] == sizes[i] && e[0] == e[1])
-                    break;
-            if (icons[i] == null)
-                icons[i] = YImage::createFromIconProperty(e + 2, e[0], e[1]);
-        }
-        // use the next larger existing icon to scale those that were missing
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            if (icons[i] == null)
-                for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++)
-                    if (icons[j] != null) {
-                        icons[i] = icons[j]->scale(sizes[i], sizes[i]);
-                        break;
-                    }
+        ref<YImage> icons[3], largestIcon;
+        int sizes[] = { YIcon::smallSize(), YIcon::largeSize(), YIcon::hugeSize()};
+	long *largestIconOffset = elem;
+	int largestIconSize = 0; 
+        // Find icons that match Small-/Large-/HugeIconSize and search
+        // for the largest icon from NET_WM_ICON set.
+        for (long *e = elem; e - count < elem && e[0] > 0 && e[1] > 0; 
+	     e += 2 + e[0] * e[1]) {
+	    if (e[0] > largestIconSize && e[0] == e[1]) {
+		largestIconOffset = e;
+		largestIconSize = e[0];
+	    }
+	    // It's possible when huge=large=small, so we must go
+	    // through all sizes[]
+            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+		if (e[0] == sizes[i] && e[0] == e[1] && icons[i] == null)
+		    icons[i] = YImage::createFromIconProperty(e + 2, e[0], e[1]);
+	    }
+	}
+	// create the largest icon
+	if (largestIconSize > 0)
+	    largestIcon = 
+		YImage::createFromIconProperty(largestIconOffset + 2, 
+					       largestIconSize, 
+					       largestIconSize);
+	// create the missing icons by downscaling the largest icon
+	// Q: Do we need to upscale the largest icon up to missing icon size?
+	if (largestIcon != null)
+	    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+		if (icons[i] == null && sizes[i] < largestIconSize)
+		    icons[i] = largestIcon->scale(sizes[i], sizes[i]);
         fFrameIcon.init(new YIcon(icons[0], icons[1], icons[2]));

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