reassign 549011 safe-rm
retitle 549011 safe-rm provides a conflicting and less reliable rm command
severity 549011 normal

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Didier Raboud wrote:
> I had safe-rm installed and perl broke (#548848). dpkg went unuseable because
> it was using /usr/bin/rm from safe-rm, broken because of broken perl.
> So either safe-rm should be taken out of system PATH or dpkg should hardcode
> the usage of /bin/rm (which this bugreport is about).

It's never wise to have the same command available in multiples */bin dirs.
Hardcoding locations is going backwards. So it's definitely not something
that's going to be solved on dpkg's side.

I consider this a design problem of safe-rm so reassigning it there.

Raphaƫl Hertzog

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