Hi Olivier and Patrick,

I'm interesting to ITA mantis cause I think it's a good application (I
used it from a very long time) and when I saw Patrick O request I feel
that it was important to continue with his hard work..

I noticed that you were helping a lot to Patrick and I wonder if you
would like to work with me as the same way. It would be apreciate if you
are interesting on co-maintaining this project, and a pleasure if you
want to team with me on this project.

BTW, if you are asking for my personal skills, I'm a programmer and I'm
sure I would not have problems with the source code :-)

Best regards

Thanks for your great job!

Olivier Berger wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 05:52:00AM +0200, sils wrote:
>> retitle 471094 ITA: mantis -- web-based bug tracking system
>> thanks
> Would you care to provide more details on your ITA, just for the record ?
> Personnaly I may be helping from time to time without any promise.
> Good luck and best regards,

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