severity 546865 normal


On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 10:21:21 +0200, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> Package: fbset
> Version: 2.1-23
> Severity: serious
> Justification: Policy 2.5

> your package depends on "makedev" which is an "extra" packages.

Depends on “makedev (>= 2.3.1-24) | udev”. So I'm not going to remove
the makedev dependency, I can invert the order of the alternatives
though, and ...

> That's a violation of Debian Policy 2.5:
> "Packages must not depend on packages with lower priority values
> (excluding build-time dependencies). In order to ensure this, the
> priorities of one or more packages may need to be adjusted."
> Moreover, this makes "makedev" uninstallable and so blocks the sysv-rc
> conversion to dependency based boot.

... it's already possible to uninstall makedev.


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