Felipe Sateler dijo [Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 04:51:23PM -0400]:
> tags 542661 + patch
> thanks
> Attached is a nmudiff that does what I said before.


I don't think this will solve the problem as a whole, although it will
for many smaller updates — The configuration file must be
auto-upgraded on several major version bumps, and I still have to find
a way to properly declare it. Please check the differentes from the
version currently shipping in Lenny (0.7.2) or even worse, in etch
(0.5.5). This patch you mention _does_ help (and I won't block an NMU
if you do it), but I don't think the bug will be closed.

Right now I'm quite overworked, and am also redoing the packaging in a
DH7 fashion¹, so I'd appreciate not having to merge in too much ;-)
But of course, your work is much appreciated (and will be merged!)


Gunnar Wolf • gw...@gwolf.org • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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