reassign 546044 libdbus-glib-1-2
forcemerge 541712 546044

Andrea De Iacovo schrieb:
> Package: policykit-gnome
> Version: 0.9.2-2
> Severity: important
> Hello
> When trying to apply any change (clicking on the apply button) in 
> polkit-gnome-authorization nothing happens: no dialog prompting for password
> or reporting an error appears.
> Launching the program in a terminal and clicking the apply button I obtain 
> this:
> ** (polkit-gnome-authorization:4166): WARNING **: Caught error: Method 
> "ObtainAuthorization" with signature "suu" on interface 
> "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.AuthenticationAgent" doesn't exist

Hi Andrea,

thanks for the bug report.
The issue you see is due to a regression in dbus-glib (which has already
been reported).

I'm reassigning and merging the bug accordingly.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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