In article <>, writes: > LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8 emacs-snapshot -f w3m $@ # bad > LC_ALL=C emacs-snapshot -f w3m $@ # good > LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8 emacs23 -f w3m $@ # good > LC_ALL=C emacs23 -f w3m $@ # good
> One sees that these characters, > • │ ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ├ ┤ ┬ ┴ ┼ > vanish in the above "bad" case. > I.e., > ┌───┐ > │bla│ > └───┘ > becomes > ─ > bla > ─ In the trunk of CVS, I added CJK fonts for those box-drawing characters in the default fontset. So, in CJK environment, CJK fonts are preferred. Perhaps, the selected CJK font claims that it has glyphs for those characters, but actually doesn't contain valid glyphs. I think those vanishing characters has at least 1 dot width of space. Please put cursor on one of them and type C-u C-x = to check which font is selected for it. --- Kenichi Handa -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact