Quoting Josip Rodin (j...@debbugs.entuzijast.net):

> > As it was just pointed today by Oded Naveh, this change (prevent
> > logging from clients when sambaPwdLastSet is not set), is an upstream
> > change that was documented..;and indeed was even there in etch's
> > version (the change appeared in 3.0.2).
> This entry in WHATSNEW.txt needs to go into NEWS.Debian in order for us who
> upgrade the package to see it, surely? Nevertheless, see below...

Why this one and not the gazillion other changes introduced by
upstream? Imagine what we would then have to document when squeeze is
released (with a 3.2.5->3.4.whatever bump).

Samba's upstream often does behavioural changes similar to this one. I
don't think that the Debian package users would benefit from us
documenting each and every upstream change in NEWS.Debian. 

We did this a few times...but for much more disruptive changes than
this one which, imho, belongs to the "normal" life of the software.

> All in all this is just another bug in my series of ldapsam complaints. The
> code expects a certain strict data set in LDAP, yet it does very few if any
> pre-emptive consistency checks. Coupled with changing requirements like we
> see in this case, that's a recipe for failure when met with random user data.


This should really be dealt with upstream directly. I'm not sure about
the value we, Debian maintainers, have in such cases. Acting as a
proxy with upstream does not really add benefit to your bug report,
just risking to not reporting exactly what you want to report.

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