Plase reassign this bug to consolekit. Reasoning I finally understand what's going on. In previous incarnations of g-p-m the power button "worked" like this:
(1) hal listens for power button presses, tells g-p-m (2) g-p-m listen for "power button pressed" notifications from hal (3) g-p-m invokes a method on hal to shut the system down (3) hal shuts the system down The new sequence of operations is: (1) g-p-m listens for an X button press event (key XF86PowerOff) (2) g-p-m invokes a method on consolekit to shut system down (3) consolekit shuts the system down The first problem was (1): getting X to emit a "XF86PowerOff pressed" event. This is solved with hal 0.5.13 which sets the necessary property on /dev/input/eventX for the power off button, so that the X server will add it to the list of input devices. The remaining problem is (3): consolekit as present in Debian (0.3.0-3) has been built without policykit and hence refuses to honor the shutdown request. Solution is easy: rebuild consolekit with policykit (just add libpolkit-dev to Build-Depends) and don't forget to install its policy file. The default policy (grant permission for shutdown to user at active console) should be fine. Cheers, Roderich -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact