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On 13-07-2005 12:45, Stephen Quinney wrote:
> Package: libmail-cclient-perl
> Version: 1.12-2
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Between upstream versions 1.10 and 1.11 the bootstrap code in
> Cclient.xs was altered to surround the #include "linkage.c" with an
> #ifdef, #else block:
>  #include "linkage.c"
> #else
> Sensible defaults are offered in the else-block but crucially for me
> these defaults do not contain the line:
> auth_link (&auth_gss);                /* link in the gss authenticator */
> which is in "linkage.c". This means that although Mail::Cclient is
> compiled against the krb5 libraries it will never attempt GSSAPI
> authentication even if the credentials are correct and it is offered
> by the imap server.
> This problem can be solved by passing in the correct option as part of
> the DEB_MAKEMAKER_USER_FLAGS. The patch is as follows:
> # --8<--- patch starts ---
> HEAD debian/rules
> Index: debian/rules
> ===================================================================
> --- debian/rules        (revision 5451)
> +++ debian/rules        (revision 5453)
> @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
>  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/perlmodule.mk
>  include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
> -DEB_MAKEMAKER_USER_FLAGS := --with-shared_cclient --with-pam --with-ssl 
> --cclient_dir=/usr/include/c-client --with-kerberos
> +DEB_MAKEMAKER_USER_FLAGS := --with-shared_cclient --with-pam --with-ssl 
> --cclient_dir=/usr/include/c-client --with-kerberos 
> --with-cclient-includes=/usr/iinclude/c-client
>  DEB_INSTALL_EXAMPLES_libmail-cclient-perl := examples/*
> # --8<--- patch ends ---
> The --with-cclient-includes option maps into $IMAP_DIR which in turn
> makes the HAVE_IMAP_LINKAGE definition be true.
> Alternatively, of course, the Cclient.xs file can be patched to add the
> missing line into the list of defaults.
> I've tested the patch above and it all works fine.

Thanks for the fine report. Looks perfectly sane - I'll fix that right away!

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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