reassign 535023 exo-utils
forwarded 535023
On ven, 2009-07-10 at 07:46 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> n jeu, 2009-07-09 at 21:38 -0400, Pascal Gervais wrote:
> > 
> > I think it's related to bug #526619:
> >
> > 
> > xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin uses xfbrowser4 to launch the browser and
> > since xfbrowser4 uses exo-open, the url is sent with single quote to
> > the browser. 
> Could you try to set the browser to something else (like, directly the
> program called by sensible-browser) and report back? There was some
> bugs
> fixed in exo and xfce4-panel about that, maybe it need to be fixed in
> xfbrowser4 too. 

Ok, in fact it lies in exo-open (or libexo), as exo-open directly has
the same problem.



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