>> Hi all,
>> sorry for too late response, i was with my family on the sea :)

FP> You lucky boy!  ;-)

>> I think that this bug is a xterm problem, because other terminals work
>> coorrectly. I constantly use rxvt-unicode. I have many directories
>> like 'тест' (I'm russian, too, as bug submitter) and rxvt works fine.

FP> Thanks for commenting.

FP> However, I don't think the bug is in xterm: as explained in the long
FP> bug log of #447084,
FP> I managed to reproduce the problem in the window
FP> title of xterm, in the window title of galeon, and also in the drawn
FP> output of root-tail.
FP> I seem to remember reproducing the problem even with conky.

FP> It would look like an awkward coincidence if all those applications
FP> shared the same exact bug...
FP> It seems more plausible that they all use the same feature in a common
FP> buggy library (libx11-6).

I can reproduce this bug only with a few programs (like as xterm). I
use conky, galeon and they work fine on my system. I think that
#447084 binds with non-utf fonts which were in .deb long ago. Now all
(my opinion) themes are fixed.

FP> In summary, I still think that the bug is in libx11-6 and that
FP> bug #523504 should probably be reassigned to libx11-6 version
FP> 6.9.0.dfsg.1-6 and merged with #447084.
... mpd is off

. ''`.                               Dmitry E. Oboukhov
: :’  :   email: un...@debian.org jabber://un...@uvw.ru
`. `~’              GPGKey: 1024D / F8E26537 2006-11-21
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