Am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2009 schrieb David Paleino:
> On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 01:47:39 +0200, Timo Weingärtner wrote:
> > Upstream Author: Timo Weingärtner <>
> >             URL: will go to as soon as I get the bug
> > number
> This should really be upstream URL.
I am upstream and there was no public upstream URL at that time.
It can now be found at

> >     Description: This package allows you to download public hostkeys from
> >                  multiple sources and merge them together into one file
> > for use by OpenSSH. Plugins for some types of sources are included, new
> > plugins can easily be written.
> This should be an appropriate short description, i.e. 60 characters
> maximum. What you wrote could well be used for the long description.
Actually I used this as the long description, the short description is:
"known_hosts downloader for OpenSSH" as in the Subject:.


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