These emails seem to have been broken across two email chains; merging them here.

Lucas: thanks for offering to help. I don't have a preference with who packages MPICH2. Either you or Muammar, or if needed I can package it (though I might need some help if I'm doing it). Also, if either one of you wants to do it, I can help with source code issues and even absorb patches upstream for the upcoming 1.1.1 release, so the build goes through cleanly.

Muammar: since you have the priority on this, can you let us know how you want to proceed?


 -- Pavan

On 06/16/2009 12:41 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
On 15/06/09 at 16:32 -0500, Pavan Balaji wrote:

I'm one of the developers of MPICH at Argonne National Laboratory. As some of you might be aware, our current focus is mainly on the second generation of MPICH, i.e., MPICH2. I noticed that currently Debian only contains MPICH-1. So, we'd like to work closely with you guys to get MPICH2 packaged into Debian as well. Would someone be able to help us with this? I have contacted the package maintainer for MPICH-1, as well, to find out what we need to do for this.

Hi Pavan,

I'm willing to help with that. How would you like to proceed? Do you
want to maintain the package yourself, and only need a sponsor or backup
maintainer, or do you want me to maintain the package and refer to you
for issues?

Also, there was an ITP (Intent to Package) bug opened about mpich2
( a long time ago. I'm Ccing the bug and
the submitter, since he might want to step in, and technically has
priority over packaging mpich2.

Pavan Balaji

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