On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 10:43:29AM -0400, Andrew Brigham wrote:
> Stephen Quinney wrote:
> >On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 02:46:24AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >>pretty basic RT install...  Did upgrade tonight. Removed my 
> >>customizations out of /usr/local/share/request-tracker3 still the same 
> >>problem
> >
> >Well, that version is a developer release only so it might be
> >broken. I am not sure why the Debian maintainer thought that would be
> >appropriate for upload.

I've contacted the libhtml-mason-perl maintainer and he told me that
the developer release was uploaded because it provides new
apache2/mod_perl2 support.

> No biggy...  I backed out to testing distribution on both the 
> libhtml-mason-perl and the request-tracker3 packages... the more I look 
> at it the mason package really might be the problem... apache couldn't 
> find component root... anyways... I'm no programmer I just dabble a 
> little. :-)

The request-tracker3 is the same in etch/testing and sid/unstable so
it looks like libhtml-mason-perl is causing the problem.

You didn't say which method you were using to deploy rt3. Are you
using fastcgi, mod_perl2 or speedycgi? There is a big issue that the
version of request-tracker3 does not work with the latest mod_perl2 so
that should be avoided in etch/testing and sid/unstable. Personally
I'd recommend fastcgi.

You should also be aware that request-tracker3 will soon be removed
from etch and sid as it is now rather out-of-date. I would recommend
that you move to request-tracker3.4 as soon as possible. If that is
not an option the package will, of course, remain in sarge/stable (but
that is security support only).

Stephen Quinney

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