On Sat, 18 Apr 2009, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
> which was filed against the vim-runtime package:
> #319830: [vim-runtime] gcc's statement expression breaks syntax highlighting
> [...]
> As Bram posted a few years ago, adding "let c_no_curly_error =
> 1" to ~/.vimrc will cause the gcc extension ({ ... }) not to be
> highlighted as an error.

Sorry, that's kind of bogus. That is no workaround, that disables
*all* curly highlighting errors. And then this:

  if (curlies_wrong) {}}}}

won't show as an error. That is as much a workaround as "syntax off"
or, exagerating a bit, "start using emacs" or "do not use gcc
extensions". What you guys need to do is fix the syntax to
understand gcc extensions.

Álvaro Martínez Echevarría

``Pero yo que he sentido una vez en mis manos temblar
la alegría / ya no podré morir nunca. / Pero yo que he
tocado una vez las agudas agujas del pino / ya no podré
morir nunca''. [José Hierro, "El muerto"]

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