On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 11:38:47 +0200, Maxence Guesdon wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for pointing the two problems:
> - missing escaping of backslashes -> Fixed in CVS


> - missing escaping of dots at the beginning of lines
>   I tried to escape it by \. as indicated in
>     http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?groff+7
>   but it does not seem to work.
> I have no idea and I can't find a complete list of escape sequences :-(
Ideally, I think things like these could be:
and a character
.BR n .
The function should put 
.B n
characters or less in 

This gives the correct behaviour, but I guess it wouldn't be easy to
make ocamldoc generate this.
Another solution is to use .BR each time instead of .B, and to add
quotes around the text (and not adding \n after the bold text):
function, giving it a character string
.BR "s" " and a character"
.BR "n" ". The function should put "
.BR "n" " characters or less in "
.BR "s" ", "
starting at character number 0, and return the number of characters

Since there shouldn't be a dot as first character of a line in an
ocamldoc comment, I think this could work, although it's not really
pretty :/

Julien Cristau

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