
The Bastian's patch works but there is a mistake; we must use 
sqlite_freemem(errmsg) for slite 2.x, the sqlite_free() function does not 
exist. Edit Build-Depends in debian/control and replace libsqlite3-dev with 
libsqlite0-dev, apply the patch, and you will get an FTBFS.

I'm attaching the proper fix. Thank you very much for your patch, Bastian.

Lets talk about the status of krecipes in pkg-kde-talk mailing list:
--- krecqsqlitedb.cpp	2006-09-02 03:52:17.000000000 +0200
+++ krecipes-1.0~beta1/krecipes/src/backends/SQLite/libqsqlite/krecqsqlitedb.cpp	2009-01-06 18:08:32.000000000 +0100
@@ -106,7 +106,11 @@
 		"\t (Query: " << query << ")" << endl;
 		res.setError( errmsg );
 		res.setStatus( QSQLiteResult::Failure );
-		free( errmsg );
+		sqlite_freemem( errmsg );
+		sqlite3_free( errmsg );
 	if ( lastID ) {

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