Hi Tobi,

On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 05:47:58PM +0200, Tobias Oetiker wrote:
> Yesterday Sebastian Harl wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 07:32:38AM +0200, Tobias Oetiker wrote:
> > > Otherwhise the solution is simple, update the docs and mention
> > > that it does NOT work and if someone is so minded, update RRDp to
> > > support graphv
> >
> > Well, that's basically what I proposed initially - I would have gone for
> > reporting an error if "graph -" is used in RRDp::cmd though. When I was
> > asking for someone to provide a patch, I had support for graphv in mind.
> > Sorry, if that wasn't clear in the first place. Anyway, those two
> > changes would be a perfectly valid solution for this problem imho.
> well for the moment the check for a call to graph - sounds like a
> simple enough thing todo ... will create a patch and send it your
> way ...

Well, that's trivial ... ;-) I've attached a patch to take care of that.
Anyway, you've talked about "enhancing RRDp accordingly" - what did you
have in mind then? None of the other commands is handled specifically

Also, I noticed that graphv isn't documented yet. Having RRDp point to
some undocumented feature is not very nice imho. Would you mind
providing a manpage for that?


PS: I found the following piece of code in RRDp.pm:

    if ($Sequence ne 'S') {

  What's that supposed to do? ;-)

Sebastian "tokkee" Harl +++ GnuPG-ID: 0x8501C7FC +++ http://tokkee.org/

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.         -- Benjamin Franklin

diff a/program/bindings/perl-piped/RRDp.pm b/program/bindings/perl-piped/RRDp.pm
--- a/program/bindings/perl-piped/RRDp.pm
+++ b/program/bindings/perl-piped/RRDp.pm
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ start RRDtool. The argument must be the path to the RRDtool executable
 pass commands on to RRDtool. check the RRDtool documentation for
 more info on the RRDtool commands.
+B<Note>: Due to design limitations, B<RRDp::cmd> does not support the
+C<graph -> command - use C<graphv -> instead.
 =item $answer = B<RRDp::read>
 read RRDtool's response to your command. Note that the $answer variable will
@@ -187,6 +190,13 @@ sub cmd (@){
   $cmd =~ s/\n/ /gs;
   $cmd =~ s/\s/ /gs;
+  # The generated graphs aren't necessarily terminated by a newline,
+  # causing RRDp::read() to wait for a line matching '^OK' forever.
+  if ($cmd =~ m/^\s*graph\s+-\s+/) {
+    croak "RRDp does not support the 'graph -' command - "
+        . "use 'graphv -' instead";
+  }
   print RRDwriteHand "$cmd\n";

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