>Would you be able to try the attached patch and check if the bug still >exists? It totally fixed it!
>Thank you for your efforts :) Thank *you* ;) I've noticed what you said about the newly created terminal not showing the output and fixed it (see attached file). Also, I think that if there was a space in local destination's path, it wouldn't have worked properly, at least now I'm sure it does. Again, thank you for your time :).
*** usr/bin/axel-kapt Wed Jan 14 10:48:44 2009 --- home/ahamann/axel-kapt Tue Apr 7 22:22:39 2009 *************** *** 41,59 **** b = '''"; config :horizontal "OPTIONS" -> checks term max connex search; checks :horizontal -> proxy verb quiet; ! proxy "No Proxy" -> @|" -N "; ! verb "Verbose" -> @|" --verbose "; ! quiet "Quiet" -> @|" -q "; ! term "Terminal Type" -> @combo("x-terminal-emulator", "xterm"); max "Max bps"-> @integer()=0; connex :horizontal "Connections" -> @integer()=4; search :framed "ftp Search" -> numsites | ! @ ; ! numsites -> " --search=" @integer()=3; local -> file | ! @ ; ! file "Save as (optional). Choose a directory and type a filename..." -> " --output=" @directory(); buttons :horizontal "Actions" -> help mail doit quit; help -> @preview(helpstr,"Close")="Help"; --- 41,59 ---- b = '''"; config :horizontal "OPTIONS" -> checks term max connex search; checks :horizontal -> proxy verb quiet; ! proxy "No Proxy" -> "-N " | ! @ ; ! verb "Verbose" -> "--verbose " | ! @; ! quiet "Quiet" -> "-q " | ! @ ; ! term "Terminal Type" -> @string()="x-terminal-emulator"; max "Max bps"-> @integer()=0; connex :horizontal "Connections" -> @integer()=4; search :framed "ftp Search" -> numsites | ! @ ; ! numsites -> "--search=" @integer()=3 " "; local -> file | ! @ ; ! file "Save as (optional). Choose a directory and type a filename..." -> "--output=\\"" @directory() "\\" "; buttons :horizontal "Actions" -> help mail doit quit; help -> @preview(helpstr,"Close")="Help"; *************** *** 71,77 **** bug -> "Please report bugs on axel-kapt to sub...@bugs.debian.org (using reportbug)"; ! axel -> term " -e axel -s " max " -n "connex proxy verb quiet search " " local " " url; ''' try: c = string.join(sys.argv[1:]) --- 71,77 ---- bug -> "Please report bugs on axel-kapt to sub...@bugs.debian.org (using reportbug)"; ! axel -> term " -e axel -s " max " -n "connex " " proxy verb quiet search local url; ''' try: c = string.join(sys.argv[1:])